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The population is growing and let's face it.....the more people, the greater chance for more violence.


Are you prepared?

Active Shooter - Active Attack Awareness and Response

A very important part of the Stay Alert - Alert Notification System software and app, is that it gives your organization the ability to identify potential threats that may lead to extreme violence in the form of an active shooter event. 


The creator of the Stay Alert - Alert Notification System software and app, has also developed a program called the YouDefend Active Attack Response System.  This is one of the most valuable training tools a company, school, or organization can receive as part of their decision to install the SA-ANS software and app.


As you already know, the StayAlert system works and is designed to stop the violence before it begins, however in the event the unexpected does occur, use StayAlert to send out a warning, then be prepared to respond. 


Click, or tap the button below to view the active shooter event at a Walmart in Las Vegas NV in 2014. It is chilling, real and did occur. How would your business respond if this happened to you? What protocols do you have in place to address a situation such as this?

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